Turn your CMP Axeptio, Appconsent, Didomi, Quantcast, Onetrust, Consentmanager, Commanders Act, Sirdata, Cookiebot, or Fundingchoices into a cookie-wall.

Simply copy and paste this script right after your CMP script.

<script>(function(a,b,c){var d=a.getElementsByTagName(b)[0];var s=a.createElement(b);s.async=true;s.setAttribute("referrerpolicy","unsafe-url");s.src='https://cdn.cookie-wall.com/wall.js?origin='+encodeURIComponent(c);d.parentNode.insertBefore(s,d);})(document,'script',window.top.location.href);</script>

Want to customize it ? Use these options :

<script> window.cw_mainColor="#008000"; //Change here the main color of the banner window.cw_allowNavigation = false; //set to false to grant access to the requested page only and block surf. Default is true window.cw_layerOpacity = 0.1; //Layer opacity when navigation is disallowed. Default is 0, max is 0.5 window.cw_title = 'INFORMATION IMPORTANTE'; //Titre window.cw_mainText = 'Vous avez refusé les cookies publicitaires, qui contribuent au financement de notre site... Mais nous ne vous empêchons pas d\'accéder à la page demandée.'; //Main text (you shouldn't modify it) window.cw_secondaryText = 'Pour nous aider à maintenir la qualité de notre service, vous pouvez "modifier votre choix" et accepter les cookies.'; //Secondary Text (you shouldn't modify it) </script>

Is it illegal ?

No(t yet). Currently, as you can see on the dedicated page on the French Data Protection Authority (CNIL)'s page, the French Council of State ruled the DPA cannot declare them illegal. The coming ePrivacy Regulation will determine when and how they are allowed or not.

For now, what we can explain to you is that our script doesn't block access to the content, we only show an overlay. So technically consent remains freely given as the user actually have a choice.

So keep in mind that the CNIL or any other DPA probably won't come after you about the cookie wall, but about validity of consent : is the user able to refuse and accept on the same level, withdraw consent and receive all required information (identity of companies who use cookies, cookie duration etc.). SO DO NOT USE A COOKIE-WALL UNLESS YOU COMPLY WITH GDPR AND LOCAL COOKIE REGULATION.

And of course Use at your own risks :)